This article therefore discusses contemporary theories on space related to media and technology with a specific focus on the conceptualization of the notion of place. Concretely, we want to examine how the uses of locative media in social-oriented artworks interact with people’s sense of place. From a critical point of view, pervasive computing, location-based applications, or, in other words, “locative media” provide an interesting framework to understand how these technologies relate to our understanding of space and place.

These technologies have provided new forms of the representation of space as much as new forms of perception through tools and techniques used in land surveying, remote sensing, etc. of CHI'01 Extended Abstracts (Seattle, USA, 2001).In recent years, the vast increase in information flows has made it possible to instantly connect location-dependent information with physical spaces. Context-Aware Sensor-Doll as a Music Expression Device. Yonezawa, T., Clarkson, B., Yasumura, M.

In Soundscape Newsletter, Amsterdam, Holland, 1999. Soundscape Composition: Linking Inner and Outer Worlds. IRCAM, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, 2000. Music, Knowledge, Rock & Society, In L'Unitàà, Italy, 1987. 1st International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (Santa Cruz, CA, USA, 1994). of the 6th ACM International Multimedia Conference (1998). The DishJockey: Integrating Multimedia into Everyday Activities. Networked Wearable Musical Instruments Will Bring a New Musical Culture.