Thanks Added missing MSC and CPL settings to the results of Windows Settings plugin. Thanks Support MSC and CPL files in "Run command" results of Program plugin. Thanks Improved stability of the code used to get the localized names and paths. Localize paths of Program plugin results.Show Steam (steam://open/) shortcuts in the Program plugin.Note: the formatted text in the clipboard is replaced with the unformatted text. New utility: Paste as Plain Text allows pasting the text contents of your clipboard without formatting.

Thanks New utility: Mouse Jump allows to quickly move the mouse pointer long distances on single or across screens. Resolve grammatical error in Mouse Highlighter description.Fix crash when generating PDF and Gcode file thumbnails.Thanks Improve Developer files previewer exception handling and printing of error messages. Add Developer files previewer option to set max file size and fix styling issue.Fix issues causing windows not to be restored correctly to their last known zone.Fix issue causing layouts not to be applied to new virtual desktops.Fix issue causing window not to be unsnapped on drag started.Fix issue causing window to not be adjusted when layout is changed.Fix issue causing window attributes to not be reset properly.

Fix crashing on moving window between monitors with Win + arrows.Thanks Refactored and improved code quality. Thanks Add new GPO policies for automatic update downloads and update toast notifications. Thanks Update PowerToys logo used by installer. Improve metered network detection in runner.We want to see if directly showing how to use PowerToys leads to more people using the features :) There are current page which says "welcome" and a variant with direct instructions on how to use some of the utilities. Thanks Added experimentation to PowerToys first run experience. Thanks Add support for log2 and log10 in PowerToys Run Calculator plugin. Thanks Support MSC and CPL files in "Run command" results of PowerToys Run Program plugin. Thanks New utility: Mouse Jump allows to quickly move the mouse pointer long distances on a single screen or across multiple screens.

In the v0.68 release cycle, we focused on releasing new features and improvements.